Thursday 11 March 2010

"Discipline is doing something out of habit."

Today, I did housework.
I think my mum secretly swelled with pride.
She probably should have bought the lottery.

It takes a whole lotta energy getting past that inertia to do something out of the norm. There's something strangely satisfying about moving past time spent on self-gratification like being
a couch potato,
a book worm or
the Z monster;
and instead, do something for someone else.

I guess the real challenge to discipline is to be, without being disciplined. What's great is that I really enjoy my relaxation time more.
Boy did I relish my fantastically long shower.
I'm off to the Night Safari now! Hopefully.

1 comment:

  1. woah im so happy i can do housework on my own time and own schedule here. back home my mom becomes so irritated when i take my time with the housework. she becomes all nasty and pms-y. haha
