Friday 12 March 2010

"Childhood loves that stick."

There is a kind of childish glee in
walking into a store and getting
immaturely excited
by rows and rows of stickers.

I walked away with three strips.

My childhood sticker collection was organized according to categories.
The "scratch n' sniff" ones and
the furry felt ones
were my prized possessions.
I would count the number of stickers I had obsessively.
It's a pity that didn't help my mathematics.

I got sticky :)

Heart felt stickers

for my bunny's cage

Alpie the furry alpaca has found his sweet spot of grass on my mobile.


  1. AHHHHH. that alpaca sticker is supppper cute!! can't wait to see u in august we can buy sticker books and exchange stickers old-school style (;

  2. Loving the alpaca sticker, too! :D My favourite stickers were definitely the fuzzy ones, followed by sparkly ones ... I had an entire book dedicated to Sailor Moon stickers that were so sparkly and shiny. Ah, how I miss my childhood :) And I'll write you back by tomorrow to your lovely e-mail :)

  3. Oh, what memories this brings back! I had two favorite sticker books as a kid and I loved to open them up and smell them, feel them, organize them, decide which ones were my favorite, etc. Good times!

  4. petani jabon mampir nich..

  5. wow, beautiful :)
